Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Today I thought we could spend a little time learning 9 things you didn't know about wrestling hero Leaping Lanny Poffo.

Of course, one fact which won't be included is that Leaping Lanny Poffo was the brother of the late, great WWE megastar Randy "Macho Man" Savage. If you're visiting this site, you should have known that already.

The following list is about things you DIDN'T know about Leaping Lanny. Let's begin.

#1) Lanny no longer has a beard, mustache or the famous jheri curl. But he's still one handsome son of a bitch!

#2) You obviously should have known Lanny and Randy were brothers, but did you know their old man was wrestling legend Angelo Poffo?

#3) Lanny knows cigarettes are bad news. He's written a collection of anti-smoking limericks for kids. You can't make this shit up people.

#4) Lanny once beat Hulk Hogan in a match which I truly believe needs to be reviewed by the officials at the WWE. (As an aside- the match was actually thoroughly entertaining. Check out a sample of Lanny's skills at 6:30 in this clip)

#5) Need a little pep talk? Well, you can book Lanny for a motivational speaking gig.

#6) In 2011 Lanny starred in the film called "Ninja: Prophecy of Death" which seems loaded with all sorts of straight to video awesomeness.

#7) You can follow Lanny on Twitter. A perfect vehicle for a man who is so good with words.

#8) Lanny is actually a certified credit counselor, and he's very good at it. So if any of my deadbeat readers need some help. Get in touch with Lanny. He won't steer you wrong.

#9) Lanny's ability with the written word wasn't just bullshit made up by Vince McMahon. Lanny doesn't need no stinking ghostwriter either... he penned his own tome, Leaping Lanny: Wrestling With Rhyme. The book has an average reader review of 5 stars, which for all you illiterate bastards out there who have never bought a book on, it's the highest rating you can get. It actually has a higher reader review rating than War And Peace. That's right- suck it, Tolstoy!

So, here's to hoping Leaping Lanny Poffo, a great wrestler, motivational speaker and ace certified credit counselor keeps leaping for many years to come.

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